Phase 1 Activites

ART Forum 2021 TechCelerate Now Presentation

This presentation was delivered as part of the FMCSA’s Office of Analysis, Research, and Technology (ART) annual forum on March 2021.  The information provides a program update on the Tech-Celerate Now effort.

TechCelerate Now Phase 1 Final Report

Motor Carrier ADAS Testimonials

In September 2021, the TechCelerate Now (TCN) program team jointly held an online webinar with the Partners for Automated Vehicle Education (PAVE). As part of that joint TCN/PAVE webinar, trucking company executives from Boyle Transportation, Cargo Transporters, and Maverick Transportation shared their perspectives on their experience with advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) such as forward collision warning, automatic emergency braking, lane keeping assist, adaptive cruise control, camera-based mirrors, and blind spot warning systems. Click on the graphic below.